Wednesday, 24 July 2013

We do not want draconian Bio-technology law

The Biotechnology Regulatory Authority of India (BRAI) Bill is going to be tabled in the ongoing budget session in Indian Parliament. If this particular bill is passed in the parliament and gets president’s assent without any modifications then India will be unsafe for the social activists who raise the voice against US sponsored perilous bio technology experiments for which Indian’s are the guinea pigs. Because the new Bio-technology law has two draconian clauses which are against the spirit of our constitution but will be a boon for Capitalist elements. So it is very clear that what has prompted UPA govt to proceed with this draconian law. The latest set back for the UPA govt came when farmers across the country stood united and stiffly opposed the BT Brinjal raising the apprehensions over its adverse effects. Following this the UPA govt was forced to withdraw from the decision to allow the commercial crop of BT brinjal. Thus it is quite clear that Govt believes it would make protesters silent if there will be a stringent law which deals with the dissident voices. One of the clause incorporated in the proposed bill says “In case an application to be submitted under sub-section 1 of Section 24 requires disclosure of confidential commercial information, such information shall notwithstanding anything contained in Right to Information Act, 2005, be retained as confidential by the authority and not disclosed to any other party.” While this clause clearly overrides access to RTI, the authority states that it has the power to decide what information is of public interest.”
The other clause says If any person “misleads” the public on safety of genetically modified organisms, shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not less than six months and a fine up to Rs 2 lakh ..
A plain reading of the bill alone conveys us the Govt has become the agents of Multinational Bio technology axis and try to create the panic among social activists who raise the voice against human right violations by genetic gaints


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