Saturday, 20 July 2013

Punjab School Education Board Penalised

In a significant judgement, received in the press office forublication, The District Consumer Forum, Ferozepur, Punjab comprised of Sanjay Garg, President and Tarlok Singh, Member has ordered the Punjab School Education Board, Mohali to pay a compensation of Rs.50,000/- and Rs.5000/- as litigation expenses to Varun Kumar complainant for failing to declare the matriculation examination result.
          Varun Kumar had approached the District Forum with grievance that he had applied for appearing in the matriculation examination for the year 2007-08 and also paid the necessary fees to the Board. But when he did not receive his roll number, he approached the local office of the Punjab School Education Board where the authorized person advised him to sit into the examination by showing to the examination staff his receipt of payment of fees etc. and as such the said student was allowed to sit in the examination and for the sake of identity he was directed to mention, his name, father name etc. on the answer sheet. However, when the result of the matriculation examination were declared, he found in the official gazette that though a roll number was mentioned against his name, but his result was not declared and was kept in the list as result awaiting. He time and again approached the Punjab School Education Board authorities, but his result was not declared by the Punjab School Education Board. Ultimately, he filed a complaint before the District Consumer Forum, Ferozepur. However despite availing several opportunities, the Punjab School Education Board failed to give any defence to the assertion of the complainant Varun Kumar.
 Sh. Sanjay Garg, President and Tarlok Singh member of the Forum finding the Board Authority grossly deficient in service held that due to the negligent attitude of the Board officials two valuable years of a young student have been waisted, which has resulted into the loss of carrier prospects of the student. Sh Sanjay Garg President of the Forum further directed the Punjab School Education Board to declare the result of the student within fifteen days. Punjab School Education Board has been further directed to pay a sum of Rs.50,000/- to Varun Kumar complainant on account of compensation for the education loss, carrier loss, mental agony, pain and harassment suffered by the complainant Sh. Sanjay Garg President of the Forum has further directed the Punjab School Education Board to pay a sum of Rs.5000/- to the complainant as litigation expenses.


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